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Sacred Heart Junior National School, Tallaght, Dublin
Sacred Heart Junior National School, Tallaght, Dublin


2019/2020 School Year

12th Mar 2020
Here is a link to a list of websites offering free subscriptions due to school closures.
5th Mar 2020
We had a super start to World Book Day thanks to our visitors from KCS! The 5th Year...
4th Mar 2020
On March 2nd and 3rd some of our parents took part in a fully certified First Aid...
29th Feb 2020
The Den were lucky enough to be chosen to display a garden in Bloom last June. The...
29th Feb 2020
We have just finished our first 8 week Doodle Families programme this year. 15 First...
29th Feb 2020
We have just come to the end of 6 fantastic weeks of Zumba, and now we have a bonus...

2017/2018 School Year

23rd Jan 2018
The boys and girls in Ms. Boland's 2nd Class are busy learning about Procedure Writing....
21st Jan 2018
This year the school is working towards our 6th Green Flag. This flag concentrates...
18th Jan 2018
What an exciting day! On Thursday 21st December a very special visitor made a surprise...
30th Nov 2017
Yesterday was our school's first advent service. This was very exciting as it is...