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Learning at Home June 15th 2020
Hello to all the fantastic boys and girls in Sacred Heart Junior School!
We hope you are all keeping well and safe! We hope everyone enjoyed all the fantastic Sports Day Activities!
Well done on doing such a brilliant job with all your school work at home over the past few months. You are all superstars for adapting so well while the school is closed! Although our school building is closed, the teaching and learning has not stopped and we are all so proud of you and how you have continued your learning at home!
A massive thank you to all the grown ups at home who have helped you with your schoolwork! We understand that it hasn't been easy but thank you for helping your child with their work over the past few months. You have done an amazing job so well done to you all!
As the Summer Holidays come closer we have uploaded our last Powerpoints of work that cover two weeks starting from Monday 15th June. You can find the Powerpoints for your child's class here: https://www.sacredheartjns.ie/learning-at-home/
Remember only do as much as you can! Remember to include lots of play, creative time and read lots of stories!
As previously mentioned we hope everyone has received their book packs and we hope you can use the workbooks and copies to help with your learning from home.
The teachers love seeing all your photographs so don't forget to send your pictures to Ms. Healy our HSCL Teacher on WhatsApp: 0877443779 or Email: hscl@shjkillinarden.ie
The summer holidays are nearly here so keeping working hard for the last few weeks!
Well done to all, keep safe and stay well.
Sacred Heart Junior National School, Killinarden, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland | Phone: (01) 4524064