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100 Days of School
Today was an exciting day as we celebrated 100 days of school. In 1st Class the boys and girls in Ms. Heavey and Ms. Boland's class had lots of fun exploring 100 during our Maths Stations. The children were looking for objects that weighed the same as 100 marshmallows, 100 crayons and 100 cubes. The children have done lots of work using the 100 square lately so today they counted to 100 using stickers and stamps. They also got to count 100 Cheerios, 100 mini marshmallows and 100 Smarties by putting them into groups of 10. It was lots of fun. The children in 1st class also did the 100 Word Challenge. Well Done to all the boys and girls who have been in school for 100 days!!
Sacred Heart Junior National School, Killinarden, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland | Phone: (01) 4524064