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Physical Education News
Physical Education - 7 Key Messages of PE

- The importance of enjoyment and play
- Maximum participation of all children
- The development of skills and increasing understanding
- Providing a balance between competitive and non-competitive activities
- Providing a balance between contact and non-contact activities
- Providing opportunities for achievement for each child
- Providing activities equally suitable for girls and boys
Physical Education Yearly Plan & Timetable

All children complete at least 60 minutes of Physical Education each week which includes indoor and outdoor activities.
Fundamental Movement Skills

Each month we aim to focus on one Fundamental Movement Skill.
Ms. Boland and Ms. Fox completed PDST Training for the FMS Programme.
Outdoor and Adventure
Children work on this strand throughout the year. The children take part in lots of walking activities and orienteering activities in the school garden and now on our very popular school walkway.
As part of the PE Curriculum we teach the Land PAWS programme for Aquatics to teach children about Water Safety at the beach, by a river or stream or by a pool.
For more information check out the Land PAWS Website here: Junior and Senior Infants 1st and 2nd Class
Children explore running, jumping and throwing through the Athletics Strand.
Our annual Sports Day races give the children an opportunity to showcase what Athletics skills they have been working on during the year.
Dance was explored during PE lessons and during Whole School Active Breaks. Children explored many different types of dance and how their bodies can move to music.
Gymnastics was a Strand that we worked on this year. We did a review of our teaching practices, took part in Whole School discussions to share and plan lessons. The children made fantastic progress in all areas of the Gymnastics Strand.
The children in our school explore many aspects of the Games Strand each year.
Some activities include Soccer, Uni Hoc, Basketball, Tennis and Rugby.
Sacred Heart Junior National School, Killinarden, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland | Phone: (01) 4524064